Do I need to be sure that abuse/neglect is happening before I call a Children’s Aid?
It is not necessary to be certain that a child is or may be in need of protection to make a report to a children’s aid society. Section 72 of the Child and Family Services Act says that every person who has reasonable grounds to suspect that a child is or may be in need of protection has the duty to promptly report the suspicion and the information upon which it is based to a Children’s Aid Society. “Reasonable grounds” refers to the information that an average person, using normal and honest judgment, would need in order to decide to report. You cannot rely on someone else to make the call if you are concerned. The role of the Children’s Aid Societies is to assess calls made by the public using a professional and standardized process. The person making the report should bring forward their concerns and Children’s Aid will determine if there is a sufficient basis to warrant further assessment of the concerns about the child.
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When should I call Children’s Aid?
If you see or have reason to believe a child is in need of protection or is at risk of harm, make the call to your local Children’s Aid Society. There is someone available to receive your call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It can be hard deciding ...
How can I get in contact with my local Children’s Aid Society?
Click here for a searchable list of Children’s Aid Societies in Ontario.
What is child abuse?
“Child abuse” includes physical, emotional and sexual abuse and/or neglect. It also addresses a pattern of abuse and risks of harm. Read more about types and signs of abuse here.
I need help. Where can I go for support?
Call your local Children’s Aid Society. Your call will connect you with a trained professional who can access your situation and help determine the best course of action to get you support.
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If you suspect that a child is being harmed or is at risk of being harmed, call your local Children’s Aid Society immediately. Your call will connect you with a trained professional who can access the situation and determine the best course of ...